This session you will heal physical pain or emotional trauma. In my Out of Body Experience I saw that everything is energy. Whatever blocks you have we can clear them and release it from the body. It’s important to heal your trauma so you show up as an adult and not your wounded inner child. A lot of times when we have pain it is emotional, our body stories the trauma and emotions we have felt if we don’t let them out. This is why dealing with our emotions is so important, there are so many ways we can let them out. We can exercise, talk to a friend, cry to release them, writing can also help us let them out, this is just another way to clear all the stuck energy and emotions. This will be an over-the-phone session is 45 minute, I have been trained in body code, simply healed and some reiki. I don’t really use any of those know, I just trust what comes to me and we focus on you healing, I believe through faith God can heal you. I’ve had some amazing results, its amazing what intuitive healing can do. My over-the-phone session’s are only $65, if this speaks to you I would love to help you.
Click one of the options below to purchase the 45 minute session: